Innovation for Inclusive Resilience

IN4R’s mission is to provide a sustainable alternative for the African smallholders to the green revolution trajectory. We use digital based solutions to strengthen the rights and abilities of smallholders to multiply the benefit from their land while improving food security, as well as climate change mitigation and adaptation..

Blockchain provides the backbone of trust and accountability

Digital solutions will be used to secure a fair benefit sharing with the smallholders.

Blockchain-based solutions have the potential to revolutionize deforestation of degraded areas as it can protect smallholders’ ownership of land and trees against fraud and illegal transfer of ownership. Landholdings and high-value trees will be provided with an identity using blockchain to ensure secured ownership and traceability. Implementing traceability together with decentralized management will create a transparent system, ultimately protecting customer and producer rights.

Inclusive rural development

The carrying principle for IN4R’s work is to increase the perennial vegetation cover in Africa's landscapes in ways that improve diversity and watershed integrity using multipurpose trees and shrubs integrated with crops, fodder legumes and grasses. This includes the development of step-by-step progress portfolios aiming to empower local smallholders and communities to gradually take charge of their future. Turning degraded areas into multifunctional landscapes that mitigate and improve adaptation to climate change.


● 2022 Blockchain Implementation and Tokenization
● 2022 Land Verification and Digital Identity
● 2023 Planting Trees and Tree Verification
● 2023 Tree Traceability
● 2024 Regenerative Rural Development through Agroforestry Practices.